The success of any event is dependent on its sponsors!
Enjoy numerous perks and front-row seats to KEA special events.
Likewise our fledgling programs require designated funding from community sponsors.
Please help us grow these programs through your sponsorship.
Name on all pre and post event or program material.
Thank you "ad" in the event or program follow-up participant email.
Name listed on event table tents.
Earlybird, VIP pricing on event tickets.
All the above sponsorship perks.
Company name announced as a sponsor during event or programming.
Opportunity to provide small company swag at event or program. (cards, flyers...)
Name as a sponsor on event and program print material.
All the above sponsorship perks.
Company logo on all pre and post event or program material.
Company logo on event or program webpage.
Company logo on all event or program print or digital media.
Two free event tickets.
All the above sponsorship perks.
Company ad at event or program.
Company ad in follow-up attendees email.
Company ad in most congruent KEA quarterly newletter.
One VIP table (4 tickets)